Friday, May 21, 2010

New plan

In response to my reaction of "Drat, now what?" concerning my latest measurements, trainer Glenn thought I could add a cardio day. I responded with the suggestion of 2 cardio days. He said I could do that but he doesn't want to see me burn myself out too far in advance since I have a solid 4 months left. With 4 days in the gym now, adding a cardio day will leave me with 2 days off instead 3. I think I can handle that. Starting Sunday night, I'll stick to this schedule for a month and see what happens. I plan to swim in the backyard pool that's just big enough for laps. I've done this every summer for the past 8 years, so I'm accustomed to the routine. If the weather doesn't cooperate, I'll use an elliptical at home. Now that I have a plan, I feel better which contrasts with the defeat I felt yesterday.

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