Sunday, May 2, 2010


One of the key components of the diet I'm on is the consumption of large quantities of water. The amount is determined by body weight. You take your weight in pounds, divide it by 2 and take that number and switch it to ounces. Right now, I weigh 111 lbs. which means I should be drinking a little over 50 ounces of water each day. Well, I can't say that this has ever happened. That's a bucket load of water. I'd be running to the bathroom all day and all night. Fortunately, my trainer Glenn doesn't always read these posts and probably won't know about my transgression. The reason for the water consumption is two-fold. It's purpose largely is to feed muscles because they require lots of water for proper maintenance. But the routine also serves the purpose of helping to drain yourself of water held within the skin close to a competition. The way it works is simple. The body is conditioned to process the large quantity of water on a daily basis. When the competition rolls around, you limit your water intake to just a tiny amount. Meanwhile, your body continues to process what you're holding and essentially drains it out of you. No need to sweat it out or anything like that. It happens naturally. To help with this routine, I fill up four 8 ounce bottles every morning and stick them in the fridge. By the end of the day, they need to be finished. That's 32 ounces. If I can get through that, then I refill one more for a total of 40 ounces. That's the best I've ever been able to do. On a daily basis, I've been very good about completing the 4 bottles, but I do need to confess that I get up once a night to pee. I could never go through the whole night at this rate of consumption without a bathroom break. Overall, I find it's not all that hard to drink the 32 ounces. It just takes diligence to remember and then to make it happen.

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