Monday, May 17, 2010

Funk (not the musical variety)

Posing coach and grand informant Michelle will be training me tomorrow at King's Gym in Ed's absence (he's golfing in Scotland, "the birthplace of the sport," he says). Her timing is perfect because she's all excited, bringing her high energy style to bear on my disgruntled frame. I'm disturbed by the scale which is no longing going down but back up. I'm not retaining water and I know I haven't gained two lbs. of muscle. I've been eating well, with a few cheats here and there (strawberry salsa on my turkey cuz the salsa is so amazing and the turkey is very boring; an inch of wine a few times last week with dinner when I was feeling stressed, and maybe a little too much peanut butter which solves every dull dietary element). Glenn estimates that I need 1,600 calories to maintain my weight, so if I want to lose anything, I need to go under that amount. Considering that the protein powder I take every day consumes about 200 of those calories, I don't have much margin for error. It sucks. Incorporating some cardio would help, but that's the last thing I want to do. Maybe I'm lazy but I just don't have anything left in me to devote to another activity. Bring it on, Michelle.

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