Saturday, April 3, 2010

Something I've never done before

I recently raided the PH8 store (that's pronounced "fate," in an ill-advised renaming of the store, Bebe Sport). It sells workout clothes featuring industrial strength spandex in a nice range of colors and styles, most recently including a neon pink - love that color! - collection. I dragged an armful of tops and bottoms into the changing room. As a rule, when I buy clothes, the intent is to wear them immediately, not stash them away for a later date, like, say, when I lose a bunch of weight. I've never needed to lose a bunch of weight, and if I did, I'd never buy clothes for a different, eventual shape. But here I am. I bought a pair of super cute short shorts, something I'd never consider for myself in my recent and present shape. Let's just say that they wouldn't flatter my legs. But they are soooo cute! And my shape is supposed to change. At least, that's the plan. So I bought them, to sit on my shelf until I reach a stage when my legs won't embarrass me in them. As soon as that day arrives, I'll slap them on and feel a sense of accomplishment. I can't wait. In the meantime, they taunt and tease me, but motivate me as well.

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