Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Posing Suit

Michelle, my posing coach and guide to all things related to competing, suggested that I consider renting a posing suit for my first couple of competitions. This sounded like a nice idea since she made me aware of several options, all the suits being kick-ass cool and costing way less than owning. I'd say it would be worth it for me to purchase my own suit if I planned to do lots of competing, but at this point, I'm not sure what the future holds, so I'm holding back on making the investment. To be honest, while the suits are important, I recall barely noticing them when I watched the competition in March. I was more distracted by how ripped everyone was. Total shocker. One lead Michelle gave me is her friend Denise, a professional figure competitor and hair salon owner. She has a suit worth approximately $1,200, encrusted with Swarovski crystals. As one who loves bling, I think it's totally hot. She and I are the same size, so her suit is a great candidate. I visited her today, saw two of her suits and expressed interest in one of them. Then she told me that the ties on the top can break. "I've seen it happen," she said. The solution? Have a second suit. So I may be renting two suits, to cover my ass, so to speak. Once she sends me a photo of herself in the suit, I'll post it here. Both Denise and the suit are highly impressive.

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