Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Freaking out!

OMG, I know that on the scale of issues, this does not rate very high, but it reached a fevered pitch last night, so I did what anybody would do, I fired up an internet search and unfortunately, it initially did nothing to assuage my concern. It's a matter of hair loss. I used to have tons of it, too much, an annoying amount that in the summer time felt like a long heavy blanket draped around my head. It took forever to get my hair highlighted because there was so much of it. It was excessive. Then I turned 40 a year and a half ago and I noticed that it seemed to be falling out at a rate more rapid than the normal amount. OK, whatever. And it continued. OK, whatever. And it still continued and I figured that this is what happens when you turn 40, though I've never heard anyone say anything about it. OK, whatever. Then a friend mentioned that her hair has been falling out. She's a few years older than me and her hair still looks amazing, so OK, whatever. Then I hit a tipping point a few days ago. I really seriously have less hair. When I put a rubberband around it for a ponytail, it's not nearly as tight as it used to be. It falls out everywhere. Brushing it, washing it, running my fingers through it. WTF??? The internet tells me that too much testosterone, when converted to DHT (whatever that is) can cause hair loss. I tell my husband and he says, "It must be the weightlifting that's building up testosterone in your body. You might grow a dick next." Hahaha. Except that I realize it all started shortly after I began working with weights, right around when I turned 40. I race back to the internet and refine my search. There is no hard evidence, but there is speculation. And for certain, there are people out there trying to make a link, but mostly, they are left (pardon) scratching their heads. Now look, I told myself, I went to the body building competition and there weren't a bunch of bald chicks up on stage, for sure. But still...so I called Michelle, the lady who has competition experience and is helping me with all matters related to it aside from training (that's posing, tanning, bathing suit, heels, make-up, HAIR EXTENSIONS, etc.). She's never heard of a link between weight lifting and hair loss, and she's been in the business for a long time. However, she is 45 and has been losing hair for the last 5 years. BINGO! She knows it happens to other women, too. BULLSEYE! So we both agree, this is an age-related thing and not a weight lifting-hormonal thing. Not very scientific, but there's no real science out there supporting the link either. So without a doubt, I'm going to be asking all of my friends about how their hair is holding up. They better tell me the truth!

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