Monday, April 26, 2010

Drugs to cover drugs

Not to further bemoan some of the unfairness in bodybuilding competitions but...I'm going to register another complaint. According to my credible source, those who take certain body enhancing drugs (not sure which ones, but it doesn't really matter, the point is that they enhance, 'nuf said) can take further drugs to cover up and mask the original drugs they took. So, you think you're entering a non-juiced competition, but really, you're not. Apparently, some organizations do not take "drug free" very seriously. Others, however, do mean drug free and competitors respect it. How that all works, I have no idea. I guess the trick is for me to rely on informed people to guide me to the right competitions. Or, I can enter the drug-free wink-wink ones with the understanding that the playing field is not even and I can scale back my expectations, but that kinda sounds like a waste of time. I'll need to give the matter further consideration.

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