Saturday, April 24, 2010

My New Best Friends

My NEW PROTEIN POWDER which is made with no artificial sweeeteners. It's not as sweet as two others I've been using (that have artificial sweeteners which is something I try to avoid), but it goes down just fine.

YELLOW MUSTARD! It has no calories! I dip my turkey off the bone in it.

BALSAMIC VINEGAR for salad dressing, with cilantro mixed in. Wicked!

CHIVES, cut and tossed on my sweet potatoes.

ROASTED RED PEPPERS out of the jar containing barely a calorie in each pepper, soaking in a liquid that contains no added sugar. I toss them on brown rice.

I've been thinking that the way I'm eating now can become a permanent thing. It's not torture, it's healthy and for the most part, it's tasty. I mean, why not?

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