Saturday, September 4, 2010


It looks like I'll need to wait a little longer until I see a change on the scale. My weight is holding at 105.6. I blew through 106 easily, but 105 isn't coming off so fast. I haven't been doing anything wrong, so I'm not sure what's up, but I'm also not making any changes right now. I'll see what next week brings. I'm hoping to lose 2-3 more pounds by the week before the first competition on Oct. 2 which is four weeks from today. If I don't succeed, I know Michelle has methods that will strip away the fat, but they're not fun. I haven't asked for details, but I think it involves carb depletion and severe calorie restriction, like in the neighborhood of 900. Sounds highly unpleasant. Fortunately, we haven't needed to resort to anything drastic yet. That was one of my gravest fears surrounding this activity: an extended period, maybe 6-8 weeks before the competition, when I imagined I'd feel like crap, have no energy and suffer from persistent headaches for which I'd pop tylenol like candy from a pez dispenser. I believe that my trainers have guided me well so that I've managed to avoid this conceivable scenario. I actually feel fine, except by the end of the week, my muscles are definitely drained and Saturday, my day off, brings tremendous relief.

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