Tuesday, September 28, 2010

4 Days to Go

A few people have asked me how many women I'll be competing against on Saturday. From what I understand, the answer is about 15 in each of the two classes I'm competing in within the figure category. The first class is my age group, 40-49. There's also a 30-39 group and a 50-59. From what I observed when I attended this show in March (it runs twice a year), the 40 year olds were the most competitive bunch, which is not to say the others didn't look great, it's just that there was more range in those groups in terms of okay looking to great looking. Among the 40 year olds, almost everyone looked amazing. Their success lies with a combination of mature muscle and, according to my self-determined theory, less estrogen. Estrogen makes your skin more fluffy and that could describe some of the 30 year olds. The 40 year olds have a leaner, meaner look. The other class I'll be competing in is called "open," and it's grouped by height. I'll be in the shortest group, those 5' 2 1/2" and under. I'm 5' 2 1/4".

Another question I've been asked is what I'm going to do after I'm done with the two competitions next month. The answer is pole dancing. I'm quite serious about this, too. Think Cirque du Soleil, not strip club. As long as I'm able to do it, I'd like to give it a try, with weekly lessons. I've watched lots of youtube videos featuring some very accomplished people and I think the activity is a great combination of acrobatics and strength work, plus a little dance. I'll still continue with weight training in the gym, but I'll work this activity into my schedule.

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