Saturday, September 11, 2010

3 weeks from today: the 1st competition (I'm fine)

I picked up my posing suit today and here it is! I'm really happy with how it looks. Someday, when I'm 80something, I'll pull it out of storage and say, hahaha, I wore this! In public! On stage! I would have posed in it for a photo here but...I have an unsightly problem. I was practicing my posing moves in a bikini earlier this week in my backyard where there's a patio with wonderfully reflecting sliding glass doors leading outside. I didn't feel it at the time, but my rear was attacked by a gang of mosquitoes, or maybe it was one particularly militant one (target practice on June's ass!). Anyway, I have at least half a dozen bites on my butt. And they itch something awful! 'Nuf said.

OK, I finally decided to make water consumption a high priority, now that my time is running out on this critical element of my preparation. I've been trying to get the prescribed gallon down, but I haven't come close. I actually hate this part of my diet, but I understand that it's a necessity. At best, all I've done in the last few weeks is half a gallon (64 ounces). Yesterday, I made 100 ounces happen, and I know I can keep that up. 128 ounces = one gallon, but Glenn said that drinking my body weight in ounces of water should be enough.

My weigh today is 105 exactly. I'm hoping that tomorrow, I'll bust into the 104s.

I never did run up and down a hill with Glenn earlier this week (scheduling conflicts), but we have a plan to do that Sunday.

In the coming week, I'm having my hair cut shorter and I'm having it colored. I'll also stop at the M.A.C. make-up counter for a little experimentation to see how we can punch things up a little for the stage. So maybe by the end of next week, once my bites have healed and with my new look, I'll slap on the posing suit and take a picture to post here.

As for the posing itself, the back pose is my greatest challenge. My back faces the judges and the issue lies with making my upper back on the right (bad) side line up evenly with the left. The unsteadiness is most of the problem. The musculature is there, but it's hard to present it properly. Glenn suggested steadying my right arm by letting my right hand rest on my right hip instead of letting in hang freely. I think I'm going to go with that and hopefully, the judges won't say anything.

In the meantime, I continue to lift heavy and hard (i.e. yesterday - walking lunges across the length of a fitness studio carrying 20 lb. dumbbells in each hand. 3 times there and back. And the end of each lap, I held the lunge position and dipped down 10 times, left leg first, next lap, right leg.)

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