Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer reading material

I've read numerous books about bodybuilding and diet/nutrition, and nothing compares to the one I'm reading now which I feel compelled to share. "Pure Physique, second edition, How to Maximize Fat Loss and Muscular Development" by Michael Lipowski. It's a comprehensive look at structuring a workout, not in a prescriptive way but based on goals. Cardio or weight training? He addresses that thoughtfully, based on any of a few desired outcomes. He invokes no absolutes, reflecting the reality that people are not identical (excluding twins, of course) and require tailored training. This approach is one of the reasons that I respect what he says. High weight, low reps or low weight, high reps? He covers that, too. He emphasizes the "less is more" approach, provided that you understand how to maximize "less." His guidance is dense - no pictures or diagrams found anywhere - and detailed and highly informed. His writing is elevated, but not beyond anyone's comprehension. As a competitive bodybuilder himself, as well as the president of the International Association of Resistance Trainers, he's well qualified to address this material. My methods largely have followed his recommendations, so that's very satisfying, but he offers plenty of tips I found worthwhile such as the rule to work through the positive AND negative AND still part of any lifting move. Too often I might rush, or emphasize the positive, not the negative and who ever thinks about the still part? This is the book to set you straight if you're not getting the results you desire. End of infomercial.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just got this book based on your recommendation. Looking forward to going through it!