Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Freakin Fat

I met with posing and all-around coach Michelle on Tuesday, and I received a wake-up call, not that I was sleeping, but I think I've been in denial about how much cardio it's going to take to rid me of my fat. My diet is very clean, so I think my body readjusts to any changes I make such as subtracting calories or reducing carbs. To evaluate my fat situation, Michelle whipped out a special scale that measures body fat with minimal info., just age and height. OK. Not sure how that works but once again, I'm still at 22%. My fat will not going quietly into the night. If only. But Michelle has armed me with some strategy. I'm now going to keep a food log for a week and she's going to review it. This log will contain the food eaten, time of day it's eaten and amount in weight or quantity. I just bought a food scale for $20 for this purpose. I'm happy that she's getting involved at this up-close range because I can't seem to accomplish any reduction myself and I've been trying very hard for the past 6 weeks. While Michelle isn't suggesting that I make any immediate changes in my eating habits, her point is to take a look at what I'm doing to see if anything might be contributing to my fat's stubbornness (my words, not hers). In the meantime, I'm going to increase my cardio to 45 minutes, twice a week. She thinks that might help, and she suggested that I'll likely need to add another day or two later on. Like I wrote in an earlier post, building muscle is much easier than loosing fat.

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