Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Plan

Cardio is nice and it might even be helping me lose a fraction of a pound...each week, but more drastic measures are required to scare my fat away. Starting the day after the July 4th weekend, I'm going hardcore. This means no mistakes in my diet. It must be perfect. That means the number of calories must be right and the composition of the food (protein, carbs and fat) must be precise. I will subject my daily intake to the scrutiny of my trainers and I'll have my body composition measured on a weekly basis. This will continue for 10 weeks, leading up close to the first competition, with a couple weeks in there to make final dietary adjustments after we see where I'm at. I'm the most impatient person I've ever met and I can't help myself here. But seriously, if a person can reasonably lose 1 pound per week, and I need to lose about 8 to 10 lbs. of fat and not muscle, then I cannot afford to squander a single week over the next 10. I'm very determined to get this right. I feel a huge amount of frustration with this aspect of the activity, and the only way to feel better is to do something about it.

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