Monday, March 15, 2010


I'd like to offer a nice, succinct reason for why I want to compete, but I don't have one. I suppose there are numerous reasons why I want to do this and they have nothing to do with narcissism, as a friend kindly suggested might be one explanation for involvement with this activity. That definitely is not what's going on with me because I'm highly self critical. So self improvement is part of it. I also enjoy challenges. One of my trainers referred to bodybuilding as an extreme sport. I certainly don't consider myself an extreme person so I suppose this is taking me a little out of my comfort zone, but I like that element. A long time ago, I taught aerobics for about six years, but I burnt out toward the end of that stretch. I become bored with exercise after long periods, so it's important for me to change things up. Bodybuilding qualifies as a big enough change. I also appreciate transformation - going from this, in whatever context applies. I expect some transformation to occur and I look forward to it.

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