Monday, March 15, 2010

The Challenge

I had a stroke when I was ten years old which caused paralysis on my right side, also known as hemiplegia. What most people don't realize about this condition is that it's a loss of three components - strength, feeling and control, all things that are separate and independent of each other. I also lost the peripheral vision in my right eye for about an hour, and I suffered aphasia which manifested itself with a loss of control over the words that I spoke for roughly 30 minutes. After about ten days, I regained the sensation on my right side, then the strength gradually returned after a few months, but the control never came back completely. I'd estimate that I have about 50% of the control over my right arm and 75% over my right leg. The deficit in my leg doesn't interfere with walking, only driving, so I use my left foot. I have a tremor in my right arm that necessitated switching to being left handed. I'm skilled at managing the problem, and it doesn't really affect every day life, but it can be a nuisance, an obstacle and a distraction. However, I don't let it stop me from pursuing my interests, provided my ambitions are not too crazy. I'd fail as a waitress and a secretary, too, because I type with one hand, neither accurately nor quickly most of the time. This problem doesn't impede my ability to lift weights, though some machines are harder for me to control, like those that do not follow a track, allowing for extra movement. Therefore, I don't use those. With the posing required for competitions, I may have an extra bobble here and there, but I'm not going to let that stop me.

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