Monday, March 29, 2010

Dietary changes

One's diet can always stand a little tweeking, so that's what I've done in the last week. I now do a carb rotation where I make one cup (uncooked), consume it over a few days, then make the next one. I move through a rotation that includes quinoa (they sell it at Costco! Yay!), brown rice, then whole wheat pasta. What I recently discovered is whole wheat orzo which takes pasta to a slightly new place. I put tomato puree on it because it's low sodium and low calorie. I also discovered that canned "pizza sauce" at the grocery store covers those two bases as well. I cheat and put a dusting (or more) of parmesan cheese on it cuz it's important to make your food edible. I also added a new yogurt, one that has twice as much protein as Stoneyfield, my usual brand. It's Chobani and it's Greek - very thick and tasty. So that was an easy switch. The final discovery: Lundberg brand organic brown rice rice cakes. I saw a guy at the bodybuilding show eating one and I tucked it away in the recesses of my mind, which is to say, I kinda forgot about it. But I was at the grocery store standing in front of them and decided to give them a try. With a coating of peanut butter, they go down easily. I'll use them as an occasional snack. Coming soon...a video clip of a recent workout with Glenn (Bodywize).

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