Saturday, July 31, 2010

Training Transition

Starting Monday, I'm switching to training with Michelle and no longer with Ed, up until the competition on October 2. Michelle competed several years ago and, leading up to her competition, she trained with champion heavyweight boxer Vonda Ward, pictured here. Vonda is a beast, a walking brick wall, and possibly a nice person, but I've never had contact with her. I've only been in King's Gym a few times while she was punishing a step machine, maintaining a (safe) distance and having no eye contact. She's 6'6" and her boxing record is 22 wins and 1 loss, with 17 wins by knockout. Yikes! Michelle has described for me the exercises Vonda ran her through and, omg. Lethal. So that's what I'm signing up for. I think it will be effective. I'm going to need to learn how to count to 50 for some of the reps. Ouch. Michelle plans to do some HIIT (high intensity interval training) with me, too. The plan/hope/intention is to build more muscle and hasten fat loss, aside from the dietary methods in place. If I can finally bid my back fat goodbye and good riddance, I'm willing to endure her program.

1 comment:

Riccardo said...

wow Wonda has a great look. Are you thinking to try boxing too? I't a great sport