Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fine tuning the diet and shedding some fabric

Without sounding like an obsessional bore, I feel the need to confess to two dramatic changes, one diet related and one concerning clothes. revealed to me that spreading a total of 4 tablespoons of natural peanut butter on 3 thick slices of multigrain bread is a really bad idea. It has LOADS of fat and calories, two of my enemies beyond a certain point. When I started bodybuilding seriously back in March, I was putting organic low fat cream cheese on my bread and felt that the switch was an improvement because I thought there was greater nutritional value in the peanut butter. Maybe that would be true if I used a fraction of the amount, but then what's the point? So my peanut butter habit is gone and has been replaced with artificially sweetened jelly. Normally, I avoid those sweeteners, but I feel like this is a good time and place for it. Plus, I use less jelly, maybe a total of 3 tablespoons, so that's a minimal amount. My source of clothing excitement is the ability to wear short shorts. I think my legs are finally able to carry the look. Or, at least, it's borderline, and I just wanted to take the plunge, like I did when I went to the gym Friday. The look will improve further once I melt some more fat off my legs, but I like the idea of starting to shed more and more fabric, leading up to the teeny weeny posing suit in Oct.
Bonus confession: I made a major discovery this week...for those who shop at Costco, I learned that they sell Chobani yogurt, the high protein Greek style I favor, mentioned in an earlier post! The only place I've ever seen it is Fresh Market and that's often the only reason why I go there, but I'm at Costco about once a week, so that's a better option. They sell the 3 flavors I like - peach, strawberry and blueberry - in a case of 12 which does not exceed what I can consume within the expiration period. And it's much cheaper. I love Costco!

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