Sunday, July 25, 2010

Progress Report

I spent the last week on a family vacation, a trip purposely timed so that it fell just beyond what I might call my red zone, the 10 weeks before the first competition. I worked out, but missed a few times. I ate well, but had a few minor indulgences here and there. However, I ran my mile and improved my time by one minute. So all was not lost even though probably not much was gained. I will do a body mass assessment on Thursday this week with Glenn to determine what needs to happen starting Aug. 1. I'll also post new bikini pictures this coming weekend (think: sequins!). I'm in a very competitive mood right now and I'm feeling like I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make the most gains (the muscle kind) and losses (the fat kind) in the time that remains. What I'll be saying to my trainers, as they said to me earlier in my training - Bring it!!

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