Tuesday, July 6, 2010

'Nother wake up call

Another session with Michelle, another wake up call. Some of the information she shared with me I had heard at one time or another but chose to forget about, other stuff I knew was coming but she made it more real and concrete. Yesterday, I trained with her instead of Ed because of the holiday this week and scheduling conflicts. We also added a 45 minute nutrition session to go over what I've been eating. I've inputted most of the food I eat onto the Sparkpeople.com website and with a few clicks, we were able to create one day's worth of meals and snacks that I've consumed. Instantly, we had the total calorie count along with the amount of fat, carbs and protein in the day. She thought my numbers looked good though she cautioned me about some of my choices. As a nutrition counselor, she definitely knows what to look for, unlike me who sits wide eyed, trying to learn everything. Peas? No good. Broccoli, much better because there's fewer carbs. Iceburg lettuce? No good because it has no fiber, hardly any vitamins and minerals and contains 1 gm. of sugar per oz. Romaine, better since it's fortified and has some fiber. We'll continue tracking me for a week to see how I do. Being the bright chick that she is, Michelle also wants to know what my workout consists of each day so she can factor in calorie burning. But she also informed me/reminded me that starting in August, my water consumption needs to increase to 128 ounces = 1 GALLON. OMG. Plus, the workouts will get tougher with much higher reps. OMG. This is while I'm on the strict, no nonsense, everything that goes in must be precisely the prescribed amount diet. OMG!!!! I'm kinda asking myself, what the hell did I get myself into? Because it's all been very manageable so far. But I think it's going to get very ugly next month.

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