Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Answer to a frequently asked question

I've been asked numerous times what my family thinks of my bodybuilding activity. The breakdown goes like this: my 16-year-old son is the doubter who thinks I'm a little bit off my rocker for doing this, but I think I'm gradually changing his mind. He occasionally likes to arm wrestle with me just to make sure I'm not stronger than he is. So far I'm not, but I put up a good fight with my left arm. He's about 5 inches taller than me, and despite the fact that he doesn't do any fitness work, he's in good shape. My 13-year-old son is my biggest supporter. He plays football and is involved with intense training for the sport, so he knows his way around a gym and we often discuss different exercises and how much weight each of us can lift. Recently, he showed me a tougher way to do push ups which was a source of some delight. Sometimes, when I flex my bicep for him, he laughs. He thinks it's funny that I have definition there, I guess. Not long ago, the two of them were sitting at the kitchen table and one of them (forgot which) asked me if I think I can win. Without hesitating, I said yes, more because I was posturing and didn't want them to think I feel defeated. And sometimes I even do think I could place toward the top, even if it's just wishful thinking. Then I retreated slightly and told them that I think I will be competitive, they didn't argue and we left it at that. My husband remained somewhat neutral for the first few months, but in the last few weeks, he often likes me to flex for friends. "C'mon, make a muscle," he'll say. I always do. No shyness there. He says he thinks I look really good, but I suppose that this is a fraught observation...if he says I look "better" or anything, then he might fear getting into trouble because that might suggest he thought I looked "bad" before. For the most part, he leaves this topic alone. I'm actually more comfortable with family members staying out of it because if they become too emotionally involved, I'll feel more pressure, and I think I put enough on myself as it is.

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